Tuesday, 18 February 2014

classroom arranging

Hello! I'm back. Having survived the onslaught of new faces, new information and getting settled in, I thought I'd quickly share with you the transformation that my little withdrawal room has undergone over the past month.

This is what my room was the first time I saw it:

TIP: Make sure you have (at least) one totally shelf-free wall with nothing stacked up against it - and it will make your room seem like you have oodles more space!!

With much excitement and anticipation, I add a little, change a little and rearrange a lot more of my little space each afternoon as part of my 'wind down' from a busy day at school.

Here's what my space looks like now:

The room still has a bit of a way to go, but with a bit of TLC, colour, desk re-arranging and time, I've quickly come to love the little space that is mine. Bit by bit, and as what we do changes, the wall arrangements will keep being altered, but I love that each afternoon, I have many curious little Kindergarten and Year 1s popping their heads into my room to say hello and see what's changed.

It's a pretty fun workspace :)

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